How do you ensure the growth/company strategy is clearly articulated to all colleagues?
Ilana V. asked a question to Co-founder
Category: Diversity
Date asked: Friday, November 9, 2018
Last reviewed: Monday, November 12, 2018
Alon P.
Great question Ilana!
As the company grows, I agree it is a challenge to make sure everyone's aware of where we are heading so we try to put a lot of effort in doing this. Specifically:
1. Co-founders send at least once a month an email to the "family" (PathMotion team!) with key updates that took/will take place, including: new team members joining, new clients, key marketing initiatives and key product updates.
2. Twice a year the team goes on a team away day where part of the day (i.e. when we're not in a pub crawl) is dedicated to each director (sales, marketing and product) giving an update of what's coming in their 'department' and cofounders provide a strategic overview of key themes for the upcoming 6 months. We are also pretty open when it comes to things like sharing revenue growth etc, in part because each pathmotion employee is also a shareholder (part of the package include stock options) which means that they should be well informed of what's coming!
3. Cofounders try (and usually succeed) have monthly lunches with each pathmotion team members where aside from discussing two way feedback, we discuss key upcoming themes.
We plan to do more. Because for example some feedback we got is that some teams still work too much in 'sylo' and would benefit from more frequent cross-team discussions, which is something we will work on in 2019!
How does this sound to you Ilana, looking at it from the outside?
Friday, November 9, 2018
Ilana V.
Many thanks for the comprehensive reply, Alon!
Taking the time to share this level of detail really reflects the transparency and open communications PathMotion is embracing, both with its Product and as part of its culture. That it’s driven from the Founders themselves is a great way of demonstrating (and encouraging) this across the entire team day-to-day.
From an outsider’s perspective, this structure looks to be encouraging very thorough two-way communications, allowing colleagues to best share and digest information based on their personal preferences i.e., high-touch/in-person meetings and/or e-updates which can be read and replied to, at their own pace.
If I can provide any additional ideas going into 2019 (and I caveat this may already be in play!):
1) Including the use of video where possible. Research has found a number of key benefits to using video (especially amongst the Millennial population) including increased absorption of messaging.
2) As the company undoubtedly continues its successful growth trajectory, to maintain a catalogue of emails/videos, which highlight the key milestones/updates for both current colleagues to reference and for new colleagues to easily review.
Many thanks again for your time and detailed response, Alon!
Monday, November 12, 2018
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