How do pathmotion implement diversity within the company?
Anonymous asked a question to PathMotion
Category: Diversity
Date asked: Tuesday, July 7, 2020
Last reviewed: Tuesday, July 7, 2020
Zoe N.
Marketing Associate
Diversity is something close to PathMotion's heart. We, at PathMotion strongly believe that a diverse mix of voices leads to better discussions, stronger teams and greater innovation. Our team has a massive mix of people from different backgrounds let that be cultural, religious, educational, genders etc.
We pride ourselves on diversity. I actually had a discussion with our cofounder when we were looking into hiring a new leader about the diversity of their applicants. We spoke candidly about our achievements as a company and what we need to work on.
One thing that shines strongly for PathMotion is that we have built a team of people from different cultural backgrounds and different genders. We have a great track record of building up/hiring female leaders within the company. I am obviously speaking from a white, British, female, perspective so I will try to get some of my other team members involved in the conversation for you.
I hope this helps.
Tuesday, July 7, 2020
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