What is it like working in a startup compared to working for bigger companies?
Michael T. asked a question to PathMotion
Category: Culture
Date asked: Tuesday, January 9, 2018
Last reviewed: Tuesday, January 9, 2018
Alex W.
Client Solutions Manager
Hi Michael, thanks for your question. I would say each company is unique by way of its staff/goals/operations. However in my case and from what my fellow start up friends/colleagues have told me, the transition has been heavenly. In a larger corporation I think it can be easier to fall in between the cracks due to the number of recruits and the sheer size of the company. There is perhaps less of an emphasis on long term career development.
The start up environment is completely different. Very fast-paced, responsibility that increases rapidly over time and a common desire to move forwards on a professional level and help the company grow. I get to talk to the company co-founders on a daily basis and exchange ideas with them, each day is a new adventure. To answer your question, I feel as though my voice is heard and my contribution makes a difference. Hope that helps.
Tuesday, January 9, 2018
Michael T.
Thanks Alex! Do you think you have to work longer hours now that you're in a startup?
Tuesday, January 9, 2018
Alex W.
Client Solutions Manager
I certainly have longer hours but I also have flexibility if I need it. With the longer hours comes more involvement, more fingers in more pies and ultimately more experience. I'd say my typical day is 9 to 6.30 but this can vary. One thing I would say is that time always flies by, regardless of what time I finish!
Tuesday, January 9, 2018
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