Picture of How do you ensure the people and culture align at your offices located in different parts of the world?

How do you ensure the people and culture align at your offices located in different parts of the world?

1 response

Dua E. asked a question to Co-founder

Category: Internal career mobility

Date asked: mercredi, décembre 2, 2020

Last reviewed: mercredi, décembre 2, 2020

Alon P.


Hi Dua,


First, we ensure that our teams are structured around functions rather than geographies. The product team for example covers people from UK, France and Ukraine. They have regular standups all together. In a way, Covid has made this easier because this is happening online and blurring geographical office.

Same for every other team: there is a teak leader per team spanning across offices, and each team works in the same method, regardless of locations.

At the company level, our mindset and practices are very much global in nature again: weekly catchup on zoom with all the company present, all big company events (virtual or onsite) happens all together. Next week for example we are organising a great virtual xmas party and which will involved fun activities with everyone present.

Of course there are also local cultures in office and that's normal and great.

Hope that sounds good to you!

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

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