What are the biggest challenges faced when starting a new job at PathMotion?
Hadrien L. asked a question to PathMotion
Category: Role challenge
Date asked: Sunday, February 4, 2018
Last reviewed: Sunday, February 4, 2018
Emily M.
Business Development Director - North America
Hi Hadrien. I have to say there are no challenges particular to PathMotion except perhaps getting to know the platform. I think starting any job is difficult- getting a hang of the workflow, the people, the technology, but it all comes with the territory of starting something new.
However, what is important to remember is that PathMotion is a startup on a mission. This means it is fast paced, there are long days, and lots hard of work so it is important to be ready to wear many hats and have a "whatever it takes" attitude. Recently, we had a really cool Challenger Sales meeting where we all went around the room explaining why we joined PathMotion- the common answer was that we believed in the product and are passionate about the mission plus we all feel supported by a great team. So, I would say, when it comes to working at PathMotion, the key points are believing in the product and having a whatever it takes attitude.
Sunday, February 4, 2018
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