What were your main challenges when you were starting your own company?
Michelle V. asked a question to David R.
Category: Experience
Date asked: Tuesday, January 9, 2018
Last reviewed: Wednesday, January 10, 2018
David R.
Hi Michelle,
Thanks for your question!
It’s true that starting your own business, especially when it’s a first one, comes with a lot of challenges. I would say that for PathMotion key challenges included:
1) Finding the right product-market fit – we always had a deep belief with PathMotion’s co-founders that people buy people and get inspired by them, it took us some time to find the right way to transform this into a valuable model for both candidates and employers.
2) Building the right team: We have always been very adamant at recruiting people with the right values rather than recruiting for skillset. Being able to find the right “gems” requires a lot of investment in terms of engaging candidates, especially when you are not established as a brand and work with limited resources. One of the aspects we pride ourselves most about today is in having overcome that challenge by sometimes taking risks in our recruitment strategy.
3) Getting your first paying clients for a product that is not established and quite risky has been another challenge. It requires knocking at many doors, being tenacious and meeting the right visionary people at the right time. We can only thank the people we met at KPMG and the NHS for that, they are both still clients today!
Throughout the journey of PathMotion we faced many other challenges but that’s the story for another question ;)
Hope this answers your question and don’t hesitate if I can help with anything else.
Take care,
Tuesday, January 9, 2018
Michelle V.
Thanks a lot for your reply David, very interesting to hear about these challenges and how you overcame them. Great to see that PathMotion is doing so well now :)
Wednesday, January 10, 2018
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