What inspired you to start PathMotion after working in finance?
James H. asked a question to PathMotion
Category: Experience
Date asked: Thursday, February 15, 2018
Last reviewed: Tuesday, February 20, 2018
Alon P.
Hi James,
I chose a generalist first job to gain some broad skills, though I knew I wanted to build a company eventually when the right moment will come.
At the same time, the field of employment has always been a passion. For example my thesis at uni was on the Working Tax Credit (a UK employment scheme) and I later joined the Labour Market policy team at HM Treasury as a senior Policy Advisor. On the side I also helped graduates in deciding their career path drawing from my own experience.
It was later, literally during a tube ride with David who who is a natural entrepreneur, and shortly after with Nassim, that we decided to give PathMotion a go.
We felt it was the right time in our careers - enough work experience to try run by ourselves (and to have enough track records for our friends to be willing to back us financially!)
I think it's no coincidence that I choose to co-found a company in an area I am truly passionate about: I've been blending one way or another in this field for several years before actually starting PathMotion, which gave me time to build a more solid view on a business problem worth solving.
Doesn't mean we got it first time right! Took us more time than we expected. But working in an area I had experience in helped increase the odds. And (we think!) we eventually did build a great solution that adds value.
Hope this helps!
Tuesday, February 20, 2018
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