How will success be measured for an intern analyst at PathMotion?
Ambika E. asked a question to PathMotion
Category: Interview Tips
Date asked: Wednesday, September 19, 2018
Last reviewed: Wednesday, September 19, 2018
Fergus Y.
Client and Account Coordinator
Hi Ambika,
Great to hear from you! The first major measurement of success will be based on the number of sales leads you manage to create. You'll have to be imaginative and persistent to drive these leads before working with the rest of the sales team to convert these prospects into clients. With that in mind, you’ll have to ensure that the leads you’re generating have real potential of becoming clients, so the quality of your prospects will be hugely significant too.
The second half of the role will be based on marketing, where you’ll have to identify and engage in trends in the employer branding industry. You’ll be expected to source content for PathMotion’s social media channels and for blogs, so creating material that is engaging and relevant will be a key responsibility. The marketing team also regularly runs both online and physical events (e.g. our webinar tomorrow!), so an ability to devise and promote these will be important.
Finally, it’s worth noting that PathMotion is still a relatively small team, so you will most likely be involved in other projects across the departments. The right candidate will make an important impact on these and significantly contribute to PathMotion's growth.
I hope this helps give you a better insight into the role!
Wednesday, September 19, 2018
Ambika E.
Thank you for your reply .This information is really helpful.
Wednesday, September 19, 2018
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