Picture of What is Path Motion’s approach to making interns feel welcome, involved and part of the team?

What is Path Motion’s approach to making interns feel welcome, involved and part of the team?

1 response

Anonymous asked a question to Marketing

Category: Role Description

Date asked: vendredi, juillet 3, 2020

Last reviewed: lundi, juillet 6, 2020

Zoe N.

Marketing Associate

As a small start-up, interns are an integral part of our team. In their first week we have welcome drinks (when we're not in a pandemic) and set up 1-1 meetings with each team leader.
As a team who work with interns regularly, we like to think we have perfected the art of giving responsibility to our interns whilst mentoring and educating them.
The best display of how quickly an intern gets integrated into our 'family' or team, is how sad everyone is when they leave after 6 or 12 months. From creating a collection to buy a goodbye present, to organising leaving drinks.
Just last week, half of our team members headed to our office for the first time in 5 months so that we could say a proper goodbye to one of our interns. The very next day, we had to say goodbye to one of our Marketing Interns who has lived abroad over the pandemic so, we sent them a gift in the post and organised virtual drinks.
A lot of our interns return to visit us, and we have a lovely little catch up. They truly become a part of the PathMotion family. I hope this helps :)

lundi, juillet 6, 2020

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