What is the career progression at PathMotion like? Do you often have reviews and discussions with management/HR?
Anonymous asked a question to Client Success
Category: Career progression
Date asked: Monday, March 12, 2018
Last reviewed: Monday, March 12, 2018
Jonathon V.
operations director
Hello anonymous user,
Generally speaking there are scheduled reviews with a manager for everyone either on a monthly or bi-monthly basis (depending on a few of things, e.g. how long employee has been with the company, etc.).
That being said, there is a fairly open environment at PathMotion, if you want to talk to your manager about something (including progression, projects or anything else), you can usually do it within the day. I've done this in the past and everyone has been extremely reactive.
A little difficult to talk about progression in such a young company so I can really only talk about myself, but I have followed goals that were agreed upon with my manager and pushed up as the company has grown; I have worked on smaller projects in the past and now own larger projects. It's been a great experience full of many interesting challenges!
Monday, March 12, 2018
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