What do you love about working at Pathmotion?
Iain T. asked a question to Client Success
Category: Experience
Date asked: Tuesday, August 14, 2018
Last reviewed: Wednesday, September 5, 2018
Kaeshelle C.
client success manager
Hi Iain, apologies for the slow response - I've been away on annual leave (enjoying Brazilian sunshine)! Thanks for your question, it's a great one.
I love my work at PathMotion because there's something new that comes up everyday. I've always been drawn to that which challenges me. When I was younger, it was athletics and training on a daily basis taught me that challenges can only ever be a good thing, it's how you develop. And now in my role at PathMotion, it's not easy to second guess the client's next query. I gain a great deal of satisfaction from providing my client's with what they need and helping them to achieve their goals.
Please go ahead and ask another question if you have one! I promise I won't take long to reply this time :)
Wednesday, September 5, 2018
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