Does PathMotion have any particular approach or philosophy regarding your social media account management?
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For instance, do you tend to focus more on visually grabbing, relatable or shareable media, or do you tend to focus on relevant media? Or do you sit somewhere in between these two?
William L. asked a question to Operations
Category: About us
Date asked: Friday, January 25, 2019
Last reviewed: Monday, January 28, 2019
Jonathon V.
operations director
A great question, William! Although I'd be inclined to reverse it back to you—where do you think we sit based on our feeds?
You find a huge range of social media posts within the industry that we're in: from a gif of a team trying to portray how fun it is to work in their firm, to genuine research and hard statistics explaining current trends. I'd say we're closer to the latter, we've written a few ebooks and partnered with experts in the field to do original research, which is then content we can share.
All that being said, I'm not directly in the domain, but my colleague Daniel is, he'll be keen to give a bit more info!
Friday, January 25, 2019
William L.
I would tend to agree, based on your feeds, your social media accounts lean more towards being focused on relevant media than entertainment. I think, firstly, even the websites you choose would reflect this; I found you on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn but not Instagram, Snapchat or TikTok, as the latter three are primarily entertainment based platforms.
Most of the content you post falls within two categories: company updates and sector updates, though realistically I think you probably share a lot more sector updates revolving around talent and recruitment. This would seem to imply that most of your posts are being marketed towards that specific business sector, and not at a wider audience, which is absolutely not a negative thing, but would definitely put you into a more focused philosophy.
Even the fact that you tend to post more links than pictures/text posts/videos seems to imply that your media is focused towards people who have high enough engagement times to click the links you share! But anyway, I'm sure there's more to this than I have noticed, and would love to get anyone's opinion if they think otherwise.
Friday, January 25, 2019
Daniel D.
Thanks Jonathon & William!
An excellent analysis of our social media.
From a top-line perspective our social media reflects the direction the company is going in, what's being thought about, what's new internally & externally, and increasingly, what's interesting & fun to post as well. Although we are a B2B company persuading top-tier HR Directors - they are also human as well- so we try to educate, inform, and entertain - where possible!
Monday, January 28, 2019
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