Anonymous asked a question to Product Development
Category: About us
Date asked: Wednesday, January 23, 2019
Last reviewed: Thursday, January 24, 2019
Nassim B.
Currently, the PathMotion platform do not embed its own ATS solution. We work with very large companies that mainly used their existing ATS solution and we do not compete on that part of the process.
PathMotion solutions act in parallel on the different steps of the recruitment process: employer branding, candidates attraction and reengagement, and also sometimes for the onboarding process using Live Chat events.
In a mid/long-term vision, we would have potentially valuable possible interactions with ATS systems to provide useful output to the recruiters… but for now, this is not a short-term focus.
Hope that answer make sense for you; do not hesitate if you could have more questions.
Thursday, January 24, 2019
Andrew R.
product manager
Thanks for your question! PathMotion is not an ATS. Our product integrates with a client's careers website, or acts as a stand alone microsite, to enhance an employer's brand and the candidate experience. Candidates are able to view employees profiles, read insights and discussions about the organisation and role, and ask their own questions. The product therefore encourages applications, before a candidate would enter the client's ATS.
I hope that answers your question.
Thursday, January 24, 2019
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