Picture of what does the ideal client look like to you?

what does the ideal client look like to you?

1 response

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Is there a typical company structure that you have identified that is most suited to the solution?

Anthony U. asked a question to PathMotion

Category: Career Advice

Date asked: Monday, November 19, 2018

Last reviewed: Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Olivier I.

business development manager

Hi Anthony,

Thanks for your question.

Basically, PathMotion's discussion platform can be used by all kind of structures (from startups to multinationals).

However, I believe that it would be more relevant for an organisation hiring a certain number of employees on an annual basis, with a certain number of current employees, to use a tool such as the one we're offering.

The reason is simple: PathMotion helps to attract the best talent and to regain control on organisations' employer brand. Some of them need to promote the jobs for which they are less known for(i.e. a pharmaceutical company not known for jobs such as Developer). Our discussion platform allows candidates to better understand how's life on a daily basis(company's culture), which is actually one of the top 3 among the information candidates are looking for when applying for a job.

To better understand the concept of PathMotion, let's take the example of the UK Graduate Top 100 list. Imagine a candidate looking for a job in finance. She or he will have the choice among 3 or 4 companies at least. Why would this candidate choose one over the others? PathMotion answers to this need but that's just one example among others.

Hope that helped you.



Wednesday, November 21, 2018

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