Have you worked with companies that have leveraged PathMotion's platform to overhaul their employer brand?
Additional information
For example, older companies that have expanded their services and products portfolio, shifting their focus or bottom line. Also, those that have changed their EVP to enable them to compete with newer companies for talent in emerging fields?
Hidaya V. asked a question to Client Solutions
Category: About us
Date asked: Sunday, June 23, 2019
Last reviewed: Wednesday, June 26, 2019
Iain J.
Client Solutions Director
Hi Hidaya,
Great question and I'd be happy to help.
Before I answer your question let me tell you a little bit about me. So my background is HR technology so when I joined PathMotion back in October 2018, Employer Branding was a completely new topic for me.
In my 9 months here, it's been interesting to learn how the definition of Employer Brand and EVP varies considerably depending on the size & maturity of the organisation you end up speaking to.
Surprisingly for many organisations it's still a fairly new concept. So while the term Employer Brand may have been around for years, what an organisations strategy around EB can differ from those organisations who for the first time are thinking about what EB/EVP truly means for their organisation, through to those perhaps more mature organisations looking to make a change...either a significant change or a small tweak/improvement.
Fortunately, PathMotion works across both use cases as in those organisations who are looking to establish their EB for the first time and need a platform to support content creation, through to those organisations who are struggling with the external perception of their current brand and want to share the real stories of current employees to help shift or change this perception.
I hope that helps but please do let me know if you have any further questions I can help with.
All the best,
Tuesday, June 25, 2019
Hidaya V.
Thank you for this in-depth answer Iain!
I didn't realise that there'd been a lag between the inception of these terms and their implementation, nor that the development of EB/EVP varied so much across organisations.
I wonder, does the EVP vary within the same organisation? For example, multinationals, where distinct aspects of an EB are valued differently (or not at all!) because of cultural/societal values? If so, does it make it more difficult to implement an EB/EVP strategy and how does this affect the discussions taking place between employers and candidates on the PathMotion platform?
Tuesday, June 25, 2019
Iain J.
Client Solutions Director
Hi Hidaya,
You are completely correct and this was one of my biggest learning experiences not just at PathMotion but more broadly in my career.
Several years ago, prior to PathMotion I was given a promotion to work with some huge global brands and I had the expectation that given the size of these businesses they would be very streamlined, aligned with a single vision & purpose and ultimately easy to work with. I was wrong.
Some but not all large/global enterprises are very complex businesses - sometimes consisting of different regions, business units and even brands. While many businesses strive to be globally aligned, in practice this can be very hard to do.
EVP across such complex businesses is really interesting and as you've correctly pointed out cultural/societal values can be really influential.
So this is the big question...how can an organisation accurately convey those common elements of EVP which apply regardless of location/region/brand, yet at the same time be transparent and let candidates know of those subtle differences that arise across the business due to culture/values.
So this problem is exactly how PathMotion helps our clients as our platform allows candidates to a) easily identify real employees within a company who represent the business area they are most interested in & b) allow candidates to interact with these same employees to get the real picture of what it's like to work there and through this dialogue get the real insight of the commonalities which exist as well as the perhaps subtly differences that without PathMotion would be very difficult to convey through a generic careers site.
Great follow up question and I hope my response helps.
Wednesday, June 26, 2019
Hidaya V.
Hi Iain,
Thank you for your response to my follow-up!
I can absolutely see how PathMotion facilitating conversations like this allow subtle differences in EVP - that exist on the all of the levels you pointed out - to come across at the same time as common elements.
I think it's the acknowledgement of these differences that allow employers to be seen as authentic.
The opportunity to discuss them with employers also enables people like me to be much better informed!
Wednesday, June 26, 2019
Iain J.
Client Solutions Director
I love your summary...
"I think it's the acknowledgement of these differences that allow employers to be seen as authentic."
Very much enjoyed our discussion Hidaya and hopefully you feel more informed about PathMotion and what we are looking to achieve.
Should you end up applying to PathMotion I wish you all the best with your application.
Wednesday, June 26, 2019
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