What's your customer churn rate (roughly)?
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I am curious to understand how "sticky" your solution is, given competing priorities and budgets for HR/talent teams. Does the solution become really embedded as part of their process?
Carolyn U. asked a question to Client Solutions
Category: About us
Date asked: Friday, May 17, 2019
Last reviewed: Thursday, May 30, 2019
Francois N.
business development
Actually very low since our success team ( Romain P. , Diane V. , Kaeshelle C. and Daniel) work very hard at helping our client achieve their target.
Not sure we want to communicate an official churn rate (can we, David R.?) But I have not seen more than 2 clients loss last year in France.
As a business developer, I cannot sell to a company if our internal comity does not aproove first that our service is relevant for them. That is also why our churn rate is so low.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
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