What surprised you at the beginning of your career at Pathmotion?
Magda H. asked a question to Client Success
Category: Experience
Date asked: Sunday, November 18, 2018
Last reviewed: Wednesday, November 21, 2018
Kaeshelle C.
client success manager
I was surprised by the extent to which PathMotion (as a product and service) could be adapted to meet the needs of our clients. There are numerous possibilities in regards to the types of clients we work with and the types of problems we help them to solve. I think most tech products tend to be quite rigid. The element of storytelling at PathMotion is what allows us to do this - the insiders across our client's platforms can tell stories about all parts of their experiences.
Another thing that surprised me was the energy of my colleagues. Everyone is so dedicated to their roles, and are passionate about what they do. In every team away day, we're asked about what 'we' think our company values are and "passion" always comes out on top!
Wednesday, November 21, 2018
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