Picture of The 70%/30% ratio, about learning, seems to be a pretty good one! What about 50%/50% combined with hard work?

The 70%/30% ratio, about learning, seems to be a pretty good one! What about 50%/50% combined with hard work?

2 responses

Marie V. asked a question to PathMotion

Category: Open positions

Date asked: Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Last reviewed: Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Elliot Y.

marketing director

It depends quite a lot on the role. With 50% learning and stretch with a new role, it's going to be hard to have an impact early on. I'd also be very careful to check which parts of the role are core competencies - these won't be negotiable in a 50/50 split. It's okay to need to learn how to use a new platform, but if the majority of the role will be advising on using that platform and creating a plan for it - I'd reconsider taking that on.

Earlier in my career, I absolutely took roles that were closer to 60/40, but I've found that balance gets much harder when your responsibilities start to include line management and strategy development. Having a healthy amount of room to grow is critical if you want to stay engaged and be challenged - but go too far and you'll feel like you're constantly catching up or overwhelmed.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Marie V.

Thank you very much for your answer! I like to learn brand new things aside work, but those can sometimes be too far away from my core skills. I will remember your advice!

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

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