What would you say about the teaching & learning culture at PathMotion?
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Hello! I am Dasom Na, a current marketing master student. I must say that I am so impressed with the PathMotion software and people working there. I've been reading through a lot of discussions and profiles of Insiders of PathMotion now and realized that every insider is saying how it is great/open to ask questions and share ideas in PathMotion. Regarding this, I wonder how is the teaching/learning culture like under a casual day-to-day situation in PathMotion. When I think of my past working experience, a day-to-day learning and idea generation between colleagues are as important as the official training or meetings. It will be great to hear the PathMotion's case possible with examples.
Dasom D. asked a question to Client Solutions
Category: Culture
Date asked: Sunday, May 27, 2018
Last reviewed: Tuesday, May 29, 2018
Alex W.
Client Solutions Manager
Hi Dasom, thanks for your question. I agree with you 100% regarding the importance of career progression and professional development.
PathMotion is a start up, and with it comes the start up culture and all its great facets. I would say each person I work with is very independent and autonomous from a work perspective, which is essential in a fast-paced environment such as the one we work in.
That being said there is no such thing as a stupid question and we all constantly learn off one another, or at the very least listen to each other's perspectives and insights to enhance the outcome of what we are trying to achieve.
The culture here is very welcoming in that regard and encourages dialogue. Of course ultimately the co-founders are the decision makers but I can honestly tell you that I've never worked in a similar environment, where every employee's opinion is heard and an idea easily implemented through a conversation with the co-founders.
For instance this could be an innovative product idea coming from an intern, there are no limits.
At the same time I think because the company ethos is very fast paced (time is money as they say), you are expected to hit the ground running and make your presence count as soon as possible. This means getting organised in the first few weeks (not months) to know exactly what is expected of you and carry out those functions out to the best of your abilities.
To answer your question we all work closely together and I think the fact that the co-founders provide such close oversight allows them to also mentor us on a professional but also personal level, going back to that sense of family that is key to PathMotion's values.
I hope this helps.
Tuesday, May 29, 2018
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