Did you find that studying history and french had many transferable skills to working for PathMotion?
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I hold a degrees in history and politics and am interested to know what specific skills you feel have benefited your role at PathMotion?
Anonymous asked a question to PathMotion
Category: Qualifications
Date asked: Tuesday, November 20, 2018
Last reviewed: Tuesday, November 20, 2018
Fergus Y.
Client and Account Coordinator
Hi there!
Given that I didn’t have a huge amount of work experience before joining PathMotion, there have been a number of skills that I’ve taken from my degree and applied to my role here. Given that you’ve got a history background, I’ll focus on the history side here!
Firstly, in a History degree, you have to develop an ability to write clearly and succinctly. You’re condensing often complex information into a format that makes it accessible to someone who may know nothing about the topic. I’ve found that this has helped me in my client-facing work. I’m frequently training Insiders or responding to client queries, so being able to convey my knowledge about PathMotion to them in an effective and concise way is a helpful skill. No client wants to have to dig through a load of waffle to find the point relevant to them!
Secondly, the analytical skills I’ve picked up as a history student have come in very handy, especially in some of the larger, less structured projects I’ve had. One product development project in particular springs to mind. In my degree, I have to analyse large amounts of information and come up with a ‘solution’ (i.e. an argument). For this particular project, I was analysing a load of content (discussions from client platforms) to come up with a more effective way of categorising it on our platforms. Although this project was more numerical than anything in my degree, the ability to find the useful nuggets in a sea of information, and then present an effective ‘solution’ in a clear way, applies to both contexts.
Thirdly, as a history student with very few contact hours, you’ve got to learn to manage your time effectively. You have to set yourself deadlines and be disciplined. In some of the bigger projects I’ve faced here at PathMotion, such as that I mentioned above, this skill has been invaluable.
Finally, I think the attention to detail you have as a History student comes in handy at PathMotion, as it will in most companies!
Feel free to ask any more questions on this. What’s your background, and what roles are you interested in?
Tuesday, November 20, 2018
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