What makes employees stay at PathMotion?
Tena Z. asked a question to Co-founder
Category: Culture
Date asked: Tuesday, September 28, 2021
Last reviewed: Monday, December 6, 2021
David R.
Hi Tena,
It’s a great question which is probably best responded by actual employees so inviting some of them to join the conversation.
We do try to provide an environment which:
- Enables everyone to learn and grow: if you look at the individual profiles of the PathMotion employees you’ll notice that most of them went through some progression. But beyond the title progression we try to constantly innovate and improve practices within the individual departments and functions across PathMotion which spurs a lot of learnings and excitement for everyone involved
- Enables employees to have and impact on millions of candidates on a topic that is hugely important: we are lucky to work with some of the largest organisations across the globe with an innovative and unique value proposition, enabling their candidates to have a direct relationship with heir employees to make better informed career decisions. This means that every day the product and service we provide impacts thousands of people which is extremely rewarding
We try to do this in a fun and informal environment which helps a lot of people to stick around. We don’t take ourselves too seriously and are very collaborative in our ways of working while at the same time investing and taking enough time to have informal get togethers, next one is a 2-day event in Paris for the whole team in November!
Does this sound like an environment you could fit in?
Monday, October 4, 2021
Andrew R.
product manager
Hi Tena,
For me it is two things.
First, working on the Product team it is motivating continually improving and developing the Product. Our Product is already having a huge impact on a huge number of candidates and is really making an impact on their career decisions. This is great, but it is even better when we are doing things which improve that experience for our candidates and clients. Recently, we have improved the Search functionality which has made the platform much faster, and helped candidates find discussions they want to read. Now we are working on a new design for the platform which will make it even more engaging. It is great to see the impact of this work, and hear the feedback from candidates and clients.
Secondly, as a small organisation, I value being a close team. You really do get to experience and learn from all other areas of the organisation. Knowing how other teams work, what is challenging, what is successful, is great experience whatever you want to do in your future career.
Hope that helps?
Monday, October 4, 2021
Tim C.
Hi Tena,
Thanks for the question.
For me it's a couple of things - first of all the product is fantastic. It helps people find a job where they will be happy and successful and it's a great thing, being able to contribute to this happening. I believe we have the potential to impact millions of people.
The current focus is building a team and growing - and I really like the challenge of selling the platform and bringing a group of people together who share the mission. We all want to amplify our impact! Also, whilst doing this as the team so far is not very large - my contribution really matters.
Finally, you can have the most amazing role with great responsibilities, but it can still be a bad experience if the team isn't right for you. Don't tell them - but the other people here are really great - and that's not only a reason to stay, but actually the key reason I joined!
Monday, October 4, 2021
Florian D.
Head of Client Success France
Bonjour Tena,
Great question, thanks!
As the others already mentioned, I would say the product : PathMotion created something really unique and it's very satisfying to work in an uncharted territory, if that makes sense!
We also have the chance to work with a lot of different and prestigious companies, which is quite fascinating.
There is also something really special regarding the spirit of the team and the "social" DNA of the company : we all have strong and diverse personalities and kindness is surely the top value here.
I hope that helps :)
Monday, October 4, 2021
Brian B.
Hi Tena,
I'm relatively new at PathMotion (a little over a month), and I think that gives me a unique perspective on our organization as a newcomer. I have historically worked in smaller organizations and startups and that "all in it together" feeling really resonates with me. I think this is one of the main reasons people tend to stay for an extended period of time at PathMotion. The team here is extremely passionate and hard working, but we are quick to crack a joke for a laugh and have some fun throughout the day. If you are someone that thrives in this type of environment, I think you would be great here!
On the tech side of things, the organization treats technology as a first class citizen which is hugely important to attract and retain engineering talent. We keep the bar extremely high because we know the best engineers want to work with the best engineers, and that was one of the main reasons I joined and see myself helping to continue that tradition of engineering excellence into the future.
Monday, October 4, 2021
Lauren M.
I've been at PathMotion just over two years now and there are a number of reasons for staying. The first is the opportunities given to learn, develop your skills and progress your career. Even though I started here as an intern, from day one I was given the chance to explore many areas of the business and take on responsibility early on. I really feel that my personal development is a priority here as I am always encouraged to take on new things and meet new people.
The second is the variety of the role. We work with so many big clients so I am constantly meeting with different people in these companies to make sure the platform is running smoothly for them and run training sessions. It's nice to feel like I've formed relationships with our clients over the time I've been here.
The others have already mentioned the team spirit and I echo everything they've said - it's such a collaborative environment and it's made much more enjoyable as everyone is so nice to work with!
Monday, December 6, 2021
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