What are the top 3 things you enjoy in your work at PathMotion?
Gauthier W. asked a question to Marketing
Category: Career Advice
Date asked: Friday, January 19, 2018
Last reviewed: Monday, January 22, 2018
Elliot Y.
marketing director
As a newer member of the team, I don't have a lot of history here to draw on, but I'll do my best with what I've seen so far:
1) The company culture - everyone is friendly, happy to help, and really capable
For example, I'm not bilingual (rare in this team!), and Florian from our Client Services team in Paris has been invaluable in helping me get our French content edited and out the door while we're hiring for the Content Marketing Associate role. And he's never complained about it once, even though he's also very busy.
2) We work hard, but no one is overworked
You know the horror stories you hear about startups and working until 9 or 10 at night every night? Not at PathMotion. We work hard and we get a lot done, (and yes, sometimes we stay late to meet a tough deadline), but it's rare to see anyone other than Alon in the office after 6:30pm. Work/life balance is respected here.
3) There's never time to be bored
We don't stay super late, but it's never boring or slow. In the 2 and a bit weeks I've been here, I've worked on: a press release, delivering an ebook, editing and delivering a blog post, coordinating with events, delivering a webinar, and I'm about to start working on a larger marketing strategy for 2018. All in two languages across 10+ sectors and for 3 main regions. There's no time to be bored - we have far too much to do!
Monday, January 22, 2018
Gauthier W.
This is amazing Liz! Many thanks
Monday, January 22, 2018
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