Is there office politics at PathMotion?
Mani U. asked a question to Co-founder
Category: Interview Tips
Date asked: Monday, April 6, 2020
Last reviewed: Sunday, April 12, 2020
David R.
Hi Mani,
We do everything we can to foster a meritocratic and caring environment where office politics has absolutely no place. Amongst other things, we try to address this by ensuring people are judged and recognised on their contribution, including how they help their peers achieve their own objectives. Teamwork is a key value at PathMotion as we believe no one is a superstar and that whole is greater than the sum of the parts which is reflected in the way we structure projects, processes and team structure. Other ways we try to achieve this is by keeping teams small and accountable and make sure decisions are communicated clearly and debated.
Being a small organisation allows us to maintain that environment and we have let people go in the past where we found their behaviour didn’t fit with that environment.
Have you experienced office politics in the past? Any ways you believe we can avoid this as we grow as a business?
Saturday, April 11, 2020
Mani U.
Thanks David. It is great to know. I have seen politics kill strong businesses. I was privileged to work a a firm where there was no politics - we grew the business from $2m revenues to $2.5bn market cap with a singular purpose - politics had no place. We used 2 simple rules a) all discussions were about a subject/issue and not about the person and no ulterior motive was ascribed and b) In case someone came with an issue with a person - we just called all concerned people into the meeting and talked about it openly. We set these rules at the top and everyone saw it being followed - it worked.
I spent 21 years at the firm and enjoyed every moment of it.
Hope helpful
Sunday, April 12, 2020
David R.
Great advice, thanks for sharing!
Sunday, April 12, 2020
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