Picture of PathMotion seems to thrive at the Enterprise level. Is there opportunity for PathMotion at the SME and SMB level?

PathMotion seems to thrive at the Enterprise level. Is there opportunity for PathMotion at the SME and SMB level?

Picture of David
6 responses

Zachary M. asked a question to Co-founder

Category: Open positions

Date asked: Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Last reviewed: Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Picture of David R.

David R.


Hi Zachary,

Thanks for your great question. We actually already work with smaller organisations including start-ups (like ourselves!) who are in a growth phase. The principle of having candidates wanting to meet and talk to current employees and benefit from the discussions other candidates have had with them is quite universal. It's also an efficient and scalable way for organisations (small and large) to answer questions candidates have on their mind by letting the people who are best placed to answer those questions respond. The principle is also applicable for universities who let their current students speak to applicants about their student life, quality of the courses and any other questions they might have!

Hope this answers your questions.


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Chris I.

Great question.
Just to continue the thread, may I ask where would you see the main areas of growth potential for PathMotion from a growth and business development perspective (as you mentioned it's scalability and relevance for organisations such as universities/colleges etc) ?

Monday, February 19, 2018

Nassim B.


Hi Chris,

PathMotion's areas of growth are quite large and diverse for the mid/long term, but it is important to keep focused on current product lines. We always try to enhance our product, either for our clients (recruiters & Insiders) or directly for our users (candidates) and that part is the first opportunity of growth for us; this is maybe why most of our clients work with us for years now, increasing their budget year after year to leverage our full product/service potential in their employer brand strategy.

From a business development perspective, we also have a current product line already ready for schools where we need to increase our future sales efforts to grow this opportunity. We also work with some big organisations to help them in their Internal Mobility efforts, which is a key challenge for them and where our products can easily help.

This is just a small overview but finally our main goal is to continuously build great products and experience before trying to entering new spaces; being focused is the key to being able to succeed and grow healthily ;)

Hope that answered your question.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Chris I.

Hi Nassim,

It did indeed answer the question.
Thank you very much for the clarification.
Nothing beats organic growth in areas that existing customers can place their confidence, as it's proven by their own experience.
Something that just came to mind, out of curiousity, is there a possibility to extend a potentially adapted or similar solution to organisations like job-boards or recruitment consultants in the future?
Or is the preference for the time being to work directly for organisations/companies to provide a branded platform that is integrated to the recruiter directly?

I think schools as a target market has massive potential, and internal mobility would really strengthen the existing offerings so that answer has really given me a detailed idea about PathMotion.
My interest really is peaked as wouldn't have been possible without this level of real engagement, so it'll be exciting to track over the next few years I'd imagine.

Thanks again Nassim


Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Alon P.


Hi Chris, thanks for the great feedback.

Interesting you mention about job boards. In fact we already do this: next to a job ad, the employer has the opportunity to add a plug-in with a picture of an employee to which a candidate can ask a question to (whether or not the employer has the full PathMotion platform).

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Chris I.


Much appreciated Alon.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

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