Is there any time and resources devoted to training in tech within the team, or everyone have to be autonomous?
Additional information
this can touch research and development, or for technology watch, if the company has the ambition to be at the cutting edge of technology and be in continuous improvement.
Alexandra M. asked a question to Client Solutions
Category: Role Description
Date asked: Friday, March 27, 2020
Last reviewed: Monday, April 20, 2020
Antoine J.
Client solutions manager
Hello Alexandra,
I joined Pathmotion a month ago, what you are asking is exactly what i am experiencing at the moment.
I am not coming from a tech environment either and it is not a problem.
In the integration process, you will meet all the head of department for one hour, that will help you to understand the product. Plus, the product has been designed to be really friendly user and simple for the insiders and the administrators. Quickly I managed to make demo of the product.
To finish, the tech team is really accessible, they enjoy answering my questions with easy schemes ! :)
Hope I answered your question,
Thursday, April 16, 2020
Alexandra M.
Thank you Antoine, it is really nice to see such benevolence in your team. My question was especially for tech requirement and structure, but I guess that the onboarding at Pathmotion is quite smooth
Monday, April 20, 2020
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