What are the next challenges for PathMotion in 2020?
Pauline G. asked a question to Co-founder
Category: Application process
Date asked: jeudi, février 13, 2020
Last reviewed: mardi, février 25, 2020
Nassim B.
Hi Pauline,
Thanks for your question about the next challenges to come for PathMotion in 2020.
First of all, it's important to remind whatever the period what is our global mission that helps us aligned our challenges and outcomes to reach: "Helping organisation to show what makes their company a unique place to work, to attract the talent they deserve and help candidates make informed career decisions."
Then to be more specific about our key focus this year, I would list:
=== Increase revenue ===
Obvious one indeed, but the challenges focus on improving our meetings conversion potential, building stronger processes and extending our solution offering.
=== Increasing client retention ===
Even if currently good, we would like to be even better on showcasing ROI to clients and be better aligned on their own objectives ; each client does not have the same corporate/ talent attraction objectives to fulfill and so we need to adapt ourself to be more specific for each of them and demonstrating how we are helping them in those.
=== Invest in long-term competitiveness ===
Always having a vision on the next big things and opportunities on the market to keep solutions on top, and being sure to maintain advance on the way to help clients on their talent attraction challenges. That's why we are investing into research and prototyping new things to enhanced client visibility and traffic, showcasing better content to candidates, and to enhance the ratio of client' hires using our the client platform.
Here is a glimpse Pauline of some of our 2020 challenges, and I would appreciate your own feedback about the market in front of those exciting challenges⦠;)
lundi, février 17, 2020
Pauline G.
Thank you Nassim for all those insights on PathMotion's next big challenges!
It's very interesting to see that you are both focusing on PathMotion's own development (by increasing the revenue & client retention) while always keeping an eye on the market to make sure you still are answering your clients' needs and the candidates' ones as well.
I would love to share with you my own thoughts regarding the market and those challenges!
I remain at your disposal :)
mardi, février 25, 2020
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