Picture of What are PathMotion’s core values and how are they expressed in the company's day-to-day life?

What are PathMotion’s core values and how are they expressed in the company's day-to-day life?

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In it's management style for example.

Gauthier W. asked a question to Co-founder

Category: Day to Day

Date asked: Friday, January 19, 2018

Last reviewed: Sunday, January 21, 2018

Alon P.


I love the question Gauthier, thanks. In fact at our last team event in Lille (great destination for the London and Paris team to meet up in the middle!) we asked everyone to share what words come to mind when thinking about PathMotion. The top 5 words were...: Passion, Humility, Family, Happiness and Open.

I guess these are the accepted values of PathMotion!

To answer your second question, here are concrete examples that comes to my mind on how values are applied day-to-day:

Passion - our "Product" discussion channel on Slack is active nearly every day with new product suggestion from people across the organisation.

Humility - No one's arrogant in the office and people are very responsive to new ideas in their own field.

Family - many of us meet up once every week or two weeks for a drink after work.

Happiness - our software developers have a say in areas they want to work on which they're particularly excited about.

Open - Co-founders meet once a month for lunch with each team member to debrief (two-ways!) to make sure we cover anything we don't manage to discuss day-to-day or during other briefing time.

I hope this paints a more concrete picture about life at PathMotion!

Friday, January 19, 2018

Gauthier W.

Many thanks for your answer Alon! I really like the picture you've painted.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

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