What is the management style?
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Hi. I wanted to know if the management was more "directive/authoritative" or "participative"? Thank you.
Elena S. asked a question to Marketing
Category: Culture
Date asked: Thursday, January 18, 2018
Last reviewed: Thursday, January 18, 2018
Elliot Y.
marketing director
Hi Elena,
I've only been at PathMotion for a couple of weeks, but I will answer as best I can. I find the management style here to be a combination of directive and participatory - there are goals and workflows that need to happen, but there's a lot of room to discuss the how and strategy around doing it.
For example, I have already worked with the team here on the delivery of an ebook campaign, but I joined in the middle of the content being finished. Some of the work has been things that I just needed to pick and finish without getting too involved, but other parts (like the distribution strategy and how we use the content for outbound marketing), I have been able to set and refine.
The working style here is entrepreneurial. Everyone needs to be able to get things done on their own, and self-motivate. There's a lot of space to discuss, debate, and influence strategy and how we get things done, but there does come a point when a decision is made and we roll up our sleeves and do it. The management definitely listens and takes ideas and proposals on board, and there's not been a time so far where I've felt disregarded or like my idea wasn't considered.
Thursday, January 18, 2018
Elena S.
Many thanks!
Thursday, January 18, 2018
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