Hi Andrew, at PathMotion do you have a forum or process to present new ideas?
Anonymous asked a question to Product Development
Category: Open positions
Date asked: Thursday, April 25, 2019
Last reviewed: Thursday, April 25, 2019
Andrew R.
product manager
Hi, thanks for your question.
Yes internally within PathMotion we have various mechanisms for team members to give feedback and input into ideas. It is very important for us, as people in different roles will have different perspectives and insights. Some of these processes are informal and some more formal. But the main thing is that the team is coming up with and raising ideas. Obviously, we then go through a planning and roadmapping process to decide on the value and priority of the ideas.
We also rely heavily on feedback and ideas from our clients and candidates, as they are the end users using the product. Again there are various mechanisms for feedback, but much of it is via relationships with our Client Support team. Alternatively through our website: https://www.pathmotion.co/contact-us. Unfortunately, we can't do all the ideas, but they do influence and guide our priorities.
If you've got ideas and feedback, then please let us know!
Thursday, April 25, 2019
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