what is your position on a candidate with experience asking for an internship?
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I came back to the world of studies and not only I will need to do my report for school (IESEG) but I am keenly interested in your company? How would you handle an experienced candidate looking for an internship?
Anonymous asked a question to Client Success
Category: Internship
Date asked: jeudi, mars 21, 2019
Last reviewed: lundi, mars 25, 2019
Romain M.
Client Success Director
First of all, Thanks for your question.
Experience is definitely an advantage for any candidate interested in an internship with us!
Nonetheless each experience being unique, it would require an individual analysis of the CV from us.
So if you have interest for an internship with us, please feel free to introduce yourself and send us your CV on [email protected] - for immediate request of internship in Customer Success in Paris please send also to Alexandra at [email protected].
jeudi, mars 21, 2019
Meron V.
Thank you for the prompt response - I just sent my CV
jeudi, mars 21, 2019
Kaeshelle C.
client success manager
Hi Meron,
I just wanted to add my perspective to this thread (from the London side). It is brilliant when experienced individuals complete an internship with us as it tends to be a polyvalent role. I get excited when someone can bring different experiences from their previous position to my team. Not only does it enrich our discussions but it also means you may come up with ideas that we have never even thought of.
I won't be reviewing your CV but thanks for applying anyway and I wish you good luck.
jeudi, mars 21, 2019
Meron V.
Thank you
lundi, mars 25, 2019
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