What is it like working for the company as a young person? Are people welcoming and is there a good atmosphere?
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Thinking of applying for a Paris placement at Pathmotion
Dan I. asked a question to PathMotion
Category: Work Life Balance
Date asked: Monday, March 19, 2018
Last reviewed: Tuesday, April 3, 2018
Kaeshelle C.
client success manager
Hi Dan, thanks for your question!
Working at PathMotion (PM) was great for me as a young person as I saw myself grow. My colleagues around me supported me when I needed it. Of course, there were also many times when I was challenged, essentially, I felt like I was a valued member of the team, I was there with a purpose!
There’s an awesome atmosphere at PM, there’s a real energy of passion and entrepreneurship. Everyone there is young from the CEO to the interns (well, young at heart at least, haha)! As an intern, I got to organise events to bring all our colleagues together for leaving/welcoming parties. It’s pretty competitive at PM, and this was put to the test in at an “afterwork” (this is a Franglais term for social event)! We went to a Ping-Pong Bar somewhere in the centre of Paris where we battled it out, it was absolutely hilarious. So, if you’re thinking of applying for a placement with PM in Paris, I’d definitely recommend! I loved it so much that I’m still here on this platform trying to tell people about it. Feel free to ask any more questions!
Monday, March 19, 2018
Francois N.
business development
Hi Dan, average age here is about 28/30. So not so old.
Just old enough to make you meet humble people with experience !
Atmosphere is warm. They'll be very demanding, but in a nice way. A way that makes you grow... :)
Tuesday, April 3, 2018
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