What features are clients looking for PathMotion to develop in the future?
Zoe M. asked a question to Will S.
Category: About us
Date asked: Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Last reviewed: Monday, November 4, 2019
Will S.
Head of Client Success UK
Hi Zoe,
PathMotion is constantly evolving, so the technology we provide to clients also changes quite rapidly with product updates regularly occurring. However, recently we had a large number of clients wanting to find out more information on their Insiders that actually answer the questions from candidates. For this reason, we recently implemented new features that allow our clients to analyse their Insiders activity on the platform in more detail.
Friday, November 1, 2019
Zoe M.
I am sure that developing those features has been interesting. There is nothing more exciting than a high growth start up that is early enough in their journey to make changes to their software quickly.
I am excited to hear more about the backend of the platform in due course!
Monday, November 4, 2019
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