Picture of How much do you take client feedback/suggestions into account when adding product features?

How much do you take client feedback/suggestions into account when adding product features?

3 responses

Ashley V. asked a question to PathMotion

Category: Role Description

Date asked: mercredi, juin 19, 2019

Last reviewed: lundi, juillet 1, 2019

Nassim B.


Hi Ashley,

and really sorry for the delay with my response but those last weeks were pretty intense… 😉

Listening clients, but also the potential ones and general market, is obviously very important in our process to nutrish our Product Roadmap. This is something part of what we can named as "Primary Process", where the goal is to identify potential issues and potential opportunities early to create value into the product.

Qualified as spontaneous and untargeted research, it benefits to become one of the first stream of insights to prioritize keeping Backlog agile without clogging bandwidth. Those kind of insights can be then consolidated into a kind of Product Requests board to not lose track on them. That could then gives great resources to our Product team when working on some problematics and find solutions/features.

Meanwhile, prioritisation is key, and we cannot always focus on each feedback/request/suggestion so they would have to enter into a phase to connect them with our main roadmap, and be analysed deeply to understand if there is value that could benefit to many of our clients.

What about you Ashley, how do you think those client feedbacks should influence the product features roadmap with a SaaS solution like PathMotion?

jeudi, juin 27, 2019

Ashley V.

Hi Nassim,
Thanks for your response. This sounds like a good process for managing and prioritising requests. I think PathMotion is in a unique position as you've got no true competitors so you're not having to add features to keep up. Without that pressure, I imagine customer feedback is an exciting opportunity to drive the product forward. Do you involve customers in beta testing?

lundi, juillet 1, 2019

Nassim B.


Hi Ashley,

not having direct competitors does not mean we do not have to keep up with new features or solutions that could help our clients, solve identified issues or enhance the experience of the different personas we are facing with… 💪🏻🙂

The real competitor stays the client budget that would have to be splitted over different solutions not aiming to achieve the same objectives. Being sure the PathMotion solution enters into the category of "Must have" products in the client mind perception is something important that can help us managing our focus and roadmap.

Regarding your question about "beta program", I can confirm it happens sometimes we select some identified client platforms to test solutions before eventually deciding to launch it for all; after step-by-step refining and analysing the impact and results.

Hope I am answering your question there.

In your mind, how do think beta programs could benefit even more enhancing our solutions?

lundi, juillet 1, 2019

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