How does the nature of the market differ between France and the UK?
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How do you have to tailor marketing techniques to each country?
Anonymous asked a question to Marketing
Category: Team Info
Date asked: Sunday, June 9, 2019
Last reviewed: Tuesday, June 11, 2019
Emmanuelle Q.
marketing manager
Hi Lauren,
Thank you for your question.
Even if the 2 countries are close, the cultural differences impact the business. So, the marketing actions can be different. I can give you the example of the subject of Diversity in Recruitment. The UK approach is mainly about BAME and LGBT, whereas the French market thinks about GENDER and PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES most of the time. The French market is much more conservative than the UK one.
I hope my answer helped you to understand how much these 2 countries are different.
Tuesday, June 11, 2019
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