Hi Emmanuelle, I've noticed a couple of French people on the site - is it quite an international office?
Additional information
I'm curious about who pathmotion sell to and whether international staffing reflects that or if it's just coincidence
Julia U. asked a question to PathMotion
Category: Open positions
Date asked: Tuesday, April 2, 2019
Last reviewed: Thursday, May 2, 2019
Emmanuelle Q.
marketing manager
Hi Julia,
You're right! Actually, we have 3 offices: Paris - London - New York, which means different nationalities and cultures. Everybody speaks English and most of us speak French as well, but not only: Spanish, Hebrew, Chinese, etc... So we are quite diverse :)
Friday, April 5, 2019
Francois N.
business development
A French answer should be added :)
Les fondateurs sont belgo-américains, ce qui donne le ton :)
Les français sont plus nombreux mais l’anglais est la 1ere langue parlée en interne, pour une bonne compréhension de tous.
Sinon la tech team est sûrement l’équipe la plus internationale car des membres ukrainiens et indiens viennent de l’integrer à distance !
Thursday, May 2, 2019
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