Hi, I have an interview coming up and would be grateful if anyone could answers some of my below questions ?
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Can you please give me some details about your workload ? How is the work distributed within the team ? Do you work on a CRM system ? How often do you talk to the customers daily ? Do you have the chance to meet with them ? Thank you for giving me the opportunity to ask questions and for your valuable time.
Anonymous asked a question to Client Success
Category: Interview Tips
Date asked: Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Last reviewed: Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Corinne M.
Client and Account Coordinator
Hi there!
As an intern in the company, I have the chance to work on many different projects and the workload is good, not too much, not too little! As long as you take initiatives and organise yourself properly, you won’t be drowning in your workload.
The work is usually divided between all members of the Client Success team as we work closely together to assist our clients. We communicate with each other quite a lot either in person or on Slack so that we are as effective as possible.
I think Daniel R. will be better placed to talk to you about the CRM system.
Otherwise, yes, we often talk to our clients as we are here to support them, I just had a call this morning with one of them! We also contact them via emails quite a lot. I personally don’t attend that many client meetings but I did have the chance to meet a handful of them since I first started here (and I am meeting another client tomorrow too!).
I hope this helps and feel free to ask any other questions you might have!
Good luck with your interview!
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
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