What is your biggest priority at the moment?
Jennifer C. asked a question to PathMotion
Category: Role challenge
Date asked: Friday, June 28, 2019
Last reviewed: Thursday, July 4, 2019
Alon P.
Hello Jennifer,
Two key priorities are the moment are:
1. Ensuring we can deliver a great customer experience following our significant growth in the last couple of years. To deliver this, we have expanded the client success team and put in place a series of processes to systematise how we go about launching platforms, identifying areas to improve etc. Our next great project is to install a pathmotion platform for our client where they can ask questions to client success people as well as find past answers from questions of other clients, very exciting!
2. Ensuring we have the ability to keep growing at a high pace. To deliver this, we are planning to expand the sales team and significantly invest in marketing efforts in order to generate leads at higher scale through content led marketing campaigns.
A very exciting time for both client success and marketing leaders interested in joining us!
Thursday, July 4, 2019
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